Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Repetition of Mistakes

When will we ever wake up and realize that we are re-living past mistakes? Our constant meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations is further complicating our future and distracting us from the present day problems at home. As we continue to fight undeclared wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, both products of our overly pervasive “War on Terror,” we find ourselves facing military involvement in North Korea, Iran, and a handful of African nations allegedly being overrun by al-Qaeda. There are only a handful of countries across the globe that do not hate us… the rest regularly express their loathing for the mighty American empire.

We once represented something that was so great and powerful that we were taught as children that the world was jealous of us because we were “free.” Unfortunately for the millions of Americans who don’t pay attention to the current affairs outside of the Hollywood spotlight, they still believe that. But for those of us who reject the reality TV era and maintain our ability to process logical thinking, we have begun to understand the repercussions of our hypocrisy abroad and the deceit beseeched upon us on the home front. We are no freer than the socialist French and yet we despise what they stand for as our government strives to attain the same way of life. We promote democracy and invade countries to spread it and yet the invasion itself contradicts the cause we seek.

The hypocrisy is running rampant and only the minority of the population within our borders has the interest to take notice. It’s the way they promote the movement that irritates me. Instead of pointing out the misconceptions, they point the finger in blame. They blame the Republicans for getting us into this mess; they blame the Democrats for the continuation of Republican ways; they blame the media for being biased… the list of complaints and card-turning in the blame game goes on and on. However, it is the people of this nation who are to blame.

Since the 1960s, there have not been any political movements that forcefully represent The People. It’s as if the hope for change that so many people voted for last November died with the last casualty of the Vietnam War. After the fallout of Vietnam and the civil rights movement, people began to disconnect from political involvement. But Why? Why, after all the demonstrations and demands that were heard, would we stop fighting for our say in the affairs of our ruling body? Why the dropout?

Some might say it was the drugs (mainly heroin and other opiates) that caused the activists to falloff into a complacent trance to help them come down from the rush of fighting “The Man.” That may have contributed to it and it may even give the liberty brigade another excuse for the failing movement of grassroots involvement today as drugs are as potent and destructive as ever in this country. There’s even the theory that our government agencies are helping to fuel the fire of drug abuse in this country through a rather sickening form of population control. But once again, it’s more of the same old blame game.

Rather than complaining about the misinformation and distractions being infused into the mainstream, why not direct people to the same information we find valuable and informative in a pure sense? The information is available if you know where to look. The unfortunate scenario that faces us is that the majority does not know where to look and what to look for. With the mainstream media manufacturing consent with each passing day, the “informed” public will continue to support the same detrimental course we have been lead along for some time now, not realizing the path of destruction we leave behind and the repercussions of our ways. With an administration that seems set to adhere to the D.C. political play, it’s going to take a lot more than hope in our new president to really change things.

It seems that things are going to continue the way they were and most likely escalate. The hour glass is running thin as internet censorship and warrantless wiretapping is becoming common place throughout the globe, even in “the land of the free.” Our window for action is still open, but for how long is not known. We must take advantage of what we have available to us. Corporations control Congress and the White House and we must stand up to take them back. We must dig into our history of defending our freedoms to protect our future and the future our children will one day face.

There is a fine line between Fascism and Freedom and we are treading it with clumsy work boots tripping each foot with each careful step. Orwellian tactics are being instituted all around us, slowly closing the steel door of control behind us and locking us into the cold cell of conformity. Some may argue that it is necessary to protect us and keep us safe and secure. These people have lost their way in a dark sea of fear mongering.

Benjamin Franklin once famously stated, “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

We need a stand by the people, For The People, if we hope to improve modern life as we know it. By focusing on fixing our problems while letting other sovereign nations govern themselves, we have a better chance to rebuild and bounce back setting the example for all other nations who wish to find the way. WE have the structure to make it happen, but we are letting private interest groups block our progression. Let us stand up for what we believe in our hearts and souls, and let us not be denied by those whose pockets stand in our way. Our tax dollars should go back into investing in our neighborhoods and our country, not the countries whose governments fail their people. Let us lead by example, not by the barrel of a semi-automatic rifle.

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