Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Great Irony of Life

The enumerate number of paradoxes that continually peak through the blinds that hang from in the window frames of life will suffocate your happiness if you allow them to. Trust those words.

I haven't been able to keep them away and my sanity is eroding as the days pass by. I'm sure anybody who is reading this can relate with something from their life experiences. You could make good money but passionately hate your job. You could have a wonderful woman or man in your life but your crazy, psycho-delusional Ex- won't leave you be. Whatever it may be, the latter always distracts and distorts the enjoyment of the former. It makes it impossible to fully enjoy yourself in whatever the aspect plagued by the paradox I speak of.

In the recognition and acknowledgement of this Great Irony, one becomes fully engaged by aggravation and exasperation. Trust Me. This is becoming an all-too-common theme in my journey through the years.

I feel as though I can't catch a break in time where I can just sit back and soak in the pure bliss of life. As much beauty as there is in life, I have begun to find the opposing negative aura and it has left me in a state of lethargic existence. The yin yields the yang. The balance of man with the universe is potent with purity and diluted with putridity. True balance. Undifferentiated Tao. Ho-hum!

Positivity is a difficult mentality to maintain but it is absolutely essential to one's sanity. As negativity creeps into your perception, it grows on you like a plague. A bacterium of vileness. Life will no longer be fun anymore. The bareness of misery will take hold and fill you with frigidity the way the cold comes through the Northeast every winter burying civilized living beneath a thick blanket of snow and ice.

Cynicism has been a part of me since I could speak. Call it a birth defect if you wish. I blame growing up around paranoia and pessimism. Regardless, I'm treading water in an ocean without the ability to swim, continually fighting to keep my head above the darkness below. Some days I want to just let go and sink until I exhale my last bubble of life, but I shake it off and tread away hoping to see the lights of a rescue vessel emerge from the horizon.

This may be a dark piece. Some might even say, "a depressing piece." It is what it is. That's the reality of life right now as I sit here typing my way to some sort of peace of mind. By no means am I depressed. I'm thankful for the wonderful joys I'm blessed with. But goddamn the motherfucking yang!

"I'm vacationing on a beach with no sand... tryin' to check to time on a clock with no hands. Feel like I'm gettin' close but I'm nowhere near it... I touch it but don't feel it, listen but don't hear it." - Joe Budden

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