Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Congratulations America... You're getting even fatter.

In America, we live among abundance. We buy more than we need and we consume more than we produce. There are fast food franchises all over the place and the shelves of our supermarkets are swelling with food that is just as bad for you. Children are growing up drinking soda that is overloaded with high fructose corn syrup and pure sugar with a splash of caffeine. Then we wonder why they grow up to continue their awful diets that lead them to bowling ball bellies and cascades of cellulite.
It's becoming an epidemic and it's being masked behind brand named ailments like diabetes and heart disease. The truth of the matter is, our diets and our lack of exercise lead us to these unhealthy levels and this new standard of being overweight is growing more and more accepted.
And how do we respond to the growing number of lazy obese citizens taking over our communities and monopolizing all the handicap parking spots because they might pass out from overheating while walking an extra 100 feet?
We glorify them.
Fat Power!
Welcome to the country where Obesity has demanded its own civil rights movement. Believe it or not, there is a "Fat Acceptance Movement" currently making strides in a social community near you. We actually give these fat bastards a chance to demand acceptance in a public forum. It amazes me. Obesity is not something you are born with. It's unlike race, gender, sexual orientation, mental health… all issues that demanded a defending of their rights. Obesity is a disease of obsession. Obsession for food (shit food to be precise)... laced with trans fats, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, steroid induced meats, grease... the list goes on and on.
Sugar is a fat man's crack. Think that's an overstatement? Lock a fat person in a room without anything to eat except fruits, vegetables, and lean meat. Give them some water, close the door, barricade it shut, and proceed to watch the fits that they go through over the course of 3 days. It will enlighten you. Granulated sugar actually has a chemical affect on your body and your brain. I detoxed myself over the course of 3 days and the headaches from my blood sugar dropping was debilitating. There is something to be said about that.
There is something purely addictive behind refined sugar that keeps us coming back for more and that is where the obsession comes from. It’s marketing genius really. Hook line and sinker. Cigarettes use nicotine to ensnare its customers. The food industry uses sugar (and who knows what else) to keep us craving the foods that are so horribly bad for our figures and our health that we normally would not continue to eat.
So take heed to the foods you consume and make sure to get your exercise in at some point during the week, for there is a tornado of portliness and health problems that will sweep you away with the rest of the nation if you do not… adding you to the statistics.

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