Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Value of a Good Woman

The value of a good woman is greater than most men give credit. What constitutes a good woman is different to each man, depending on his deficiencies. Take for example, a man who grew up nurtured in all aspects of life by his mother who was a housewife by occupation. He probably took advantage of the situation and never bothered to learn for himself how to cook, clean, do laundry, etc... A good woman to him would fill that void in the traditional sense. However, a man who learns to be independent on his own, needs not the same holes filled, but instead has his own fallacies that he may need addressed. Whatever it may be, a good woman provides a swift kick in the ass and makes a good man want to be a better man. We all have potential to do things we never imagined. That same potential is easily lost and wasted if we don’t know the best way to use it. By striving to be the best we can, we find what drives us and our talents are better recognized. What better way to find greatness than to use the natural talents you were born with and, for some reason or another, never let grow to the full potential we are capable of. It is too easy to fall into the rut of conformity just to find a sense of security and comfort in a world full of uncertainty and instability. We sacrifice true happiness and satisfaction to provide a steady paycheck and health benefits to support the life we grew up accustomed to in the middle class of society. We strive to maintain and keep up with those around us, losing sight of what matters most to us. We dig holes and build debt, living beyond our means to preserve a sense of status that we may not necessarily have possessed in the first place. In this murky abyss we dig and settle into, we lose sense of ourselves and go astray from what makes us individuals. A good woman made me re-evaluate my position in life, who I was, what I wanted, and made me strive to be a better man… a man I always had the potential to be but was too distracted by the blinding light of bullshit that I never should have let get in the way of my pursuit of happiness. I have an uphill battle ahead of me to get back on the path in which I can be who I am and do what those close to me have always told me I should be pursuing. Sometimes it takes an outsider looking in to see a natural talent that you don’t see because it is what it is and what it always has been from your perspective. And sometimes it takes that swift kick in the ass to get you going in the direction of the trail you strayed from and lost long ago.

1 comment:

shawnrodier said...

Wow, amazingly true. Couldn't have said it any better myself.